BBC feedback
This was originally posted on my own site.
I just filled out this form on the BBC website. Here’s what I wrote, based on this open letter to the BCC Upper Management and Editorial Staff.
What is your complaint about?
BBC website or apps
Which website or app is your complaint about?
BBC News website
Please give the URL, or name of the app
Are you contacting us about a previous complaint?
Select the best category to describe your complaint
Standards of interviewing/presenting
What is the subject of your complaint?
Innacurate reporting and unreliable source
Please enter your complaint
The article is based on a single self selected study of 80 individuals sourced from Get The L Out, a group who, prior to the survey, were already united by anti-trans views.
This study breaks the BBC’s own guidelines about using surveys as sources for claims in coverage, as it is self-selected, with a small sample size and a clear bias held by those self-selected to respond.
The article dangerously frames this as a widespread issue, whilst simultaneously acknowledging that there is no actual evidence to that effect outside of isolated claims and cherry picked individual cases.
The article routinely implies that transgender women are not women, uncritically quoting people who call transgender women men without at any point clarifying that this is ignoring their legal status as women in the UK.
This was originally posted on my own site.