2020 in numbers
This was originally posted on my own site.
I posted to adactio.com 1442 times in 2020. sparkline
March was the busiest month with 184 posts. sparkline
This month, December, was the quietest with 68 posts. sparkline
Overall I published:
- 2 articles,
- 110 blog posts, sparkline
- 518 links, sparkline
- 812 notes. sparkline
In amongst those notes are 128 photos. But the number I’m happiest with is 200. From to March 18th to October 3rd, I posted a tune a day for 200 days straight.
Elsewhere in 2020:
- I huffduffed 187 pieces of audio,
- made 1,139 contributions on Github, and
- published 6 episodes of the Clearleft podcast.
For obvious reasons, in 2020 I had far fewer check ins, did far less speaking and almost no travel.
This was originally posted on my own site.